

Help struggling writers
overcome barriers to progress with DocsPlus, our award-winning writing tool for secondary schools.

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Create structured writing

Intelligent word prediction, writing frames and curriculum vocabulary banks enable students to demonstrate their knowledge and achieve writing success.

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Organise ideas and plan writing tasks

Organising ideas is a vital first step in the writing process, and one that many students struggle with. DocsPlus includes some fantastic tools to help learners prepare for writing.

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Proof and review work

Realistic speech feedback enables learners to listen back to their work and encourages them to proactively find and correct errors for themselves.

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Assess student progress

DocsPlus Analytics gives a unique insight into each learner’s writing process, helping educators make informed decisions about current support levels and the most effective next steps.

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Access curriculum content

The integrated Document Reader will read aloud any PDF or Word document, providing equal access to worksheets, exam papers and more.

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Provide access to exams

Students who qualify for additional access arrangements in exams can use DocsPlus instead of a human scribe or reader – it’s better for self-esteem and saves time and money.

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Support students with dyslexia

DocsPlus will help students with dyslexia to overcome writing frustration, independently access curriculum content, and become more confident and successful learners.

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Address a variety of learning needs

In addition to extensive support for learners with reading and writing difficulties, DocsPlus opens the door for students with a wide range of additional needs, including switch and eye gaze users.

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Use DocsPlus on all your devices

Our DocsPlus universal licensing enables you to ‘mix and match’ depending on your school’s set-up. Install DocsPlus on your computers and use the DocsPlus App on iPads and Chromebooks.

Just work out the total number of devices and select the license you want. Best value is our Flexi-License, which gives you unlimited use across your school and includes home access too.

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